
I don’t personally agree with abortion unless the woman was a victim of rape. If you don’t want children either use contraceptives such as birth control and condoms or don’t have sex simple as that. I think it’s just like taking another human beings life. You shouldn’t be having sexual relationships with people and end up with a kid and decide you don’t want it or your not ready for one. You should’ve known what you were getting yourself into ahead of time and if not that is your own problem and next time maybe you’ll think about the consequences ahead of time.

Gun Control

I do not support increased gun Control. There are plenty of laws that guide are lives in society we don’t need anymore because of foolish people. The guns aren’t the problem it’s the people who are the problem, the gun doesn’t shoot its self. And it’s not fair to us people who use firearms responsibly to be punished for the people who don’t have common sense enough not to murder people and go around on killing sprees or shoot up schools. For many years people had no problem using them for hunting or target practice but for some reason people now just can’t seem to use them for what they are supposed to be used for. It shouldn’t be made any harder than it already is for us people who obey the law to purchase a firearm so we can use it the way it’s supposed to be used just because others can’t seem to do so. And the people that want to use them for other things such as murdering people always have and always will have access to firearms no matter what if they really want one bad enough they will get their hands on one.